Custom Furniture Painting & Finishing
Imagine if you could look at that dated, perfect sized, functional piece of yours with new love in your eyes. Before you discard a quality crafted solid wood piece for a more modern look you might want to talk to me about your vision. I have been a furniture painter and artist for 35 years and have finished hundreds of pieces for clients. I only use professional products and techniques to achieve the look. I get quite booked up at times but feel free to contact me for an in-person consultation.
Let your imagination run wild, look on Pinterest for idea's and inspiration. Have fun with it before you buy new. What will I finish? Tables, Chairs, China Cabinets, Bookcases, credenzas, Bedroom furniture, Living room furniture... Doors, Kitchen Cabinets....I've even done a fish or two lol.
When we explore our options we can feel free to go any direction we want and feel great about it. Isn't that what life is all about.